Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Missy and Brad

Sunday it was so chilly, I just wanted to lay around in my favorite sweats and do nothing all day........however, I had other things scheduled.............

So still in my favorite sweats, I met my brother and his fiance at the studio for an engagement session! First, we did an instudio session, and then we went on a tour throughout Lititz. We went to all the places that I drive by daily and think "it would be cool to take a picture there"

After a walking path, two churches, a cemetary, a park and railroad tracks, I was finally satisfied!(well not really, I want to do some more in the spring)He is my brother after all.

Here are a couple that are my favorites!!!

1 comment:

Char said...

Congratulations, Missy and Brad! You two are an adorable couple. Great pics too, Heather.